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Opportunity Details

City of Durham Treed Lot Habitat Restoration

What to do: Please join us in removing ivy and other invasive species to beautify the recreational areas and improve habitat for native plants and creatures. 

What to bring: Please wear closed-toed shoes and weather-appropriate clothing, and bring a backpack for hands-free convenience. Feel free to bring your personal tools if available and a reusable water bottle to support our sustainability efforts.

What to wear:  Comfortable closed-toe shoes. Pants and long sleeves are encouraged.  Dress appropriately in layers, for the weather conditions.

Contact:  Mallory Fuller at mallardduck@gmail.com or 503-260-0465, for questions or concerns. 

Advanced Registration: Is required. Please sign up (green button below) ahead of time to guarantee your spot.

Meeting Location: Please note, Google Maps currently has the Treed Lot incorrectly labeled as Heron Grove City Park. Meet at the path entrance along SW Willowbottom Way. Look for the Solve registration table. 

Address: 17498 SW Rivendell Drive Durham, OR 97224 | Map Link

What to Bring: Please wear closed-toed shoes and weather-appropriate clothing, and bring a backpack for hands-free convenience. Feel free to bring your personal tools if available and a reusable water bottle to support our sustainability efforts.

What's Provided: Tools and gloves will be available, but it is helpful if you can bring your own gloves, hand saws, and loppers/pruners.  Drinking water container will be available.

Restrooms: No public restrooms are available

Parking: Street parking along SW Willowbottom Way and SW Rivendell Dr

Transit: Not available nearby

Accessibility: This area is accessible for folks with mobility concerns.

Translation Services: There will not be a Spanish speaker present at this event.

Participant Age Guidelines: All Ages Welcome

Groups: If you'd like to register a group, please create a team first. For detailed instructions, review our Teams Guide.

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Invasive Plant Removal

Age Minimum (with Adult): 1+, Minimum Age:13+

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